Parenting Twins and Multiples - Tips for Breastfeeding Twins

By Virginia Winchester 

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. However a lot of mothers of twins don't think it's possible. But breastfeeding multiples is not only possible, it is practical. For one thing, it will save you a lot of money on baby formula. Here are some breastfeeding tips for moms of multiples.

The first suggestion is to get a breast pump and use it. Using a breast pump not only increases your milk supply, something that can be a concern to mothers of twins, but it also allows you to stockpile an emergency supply. Hospitals and medical supply stores generally have pumps that you can rent. You want to have a double breast pump, which cuts down the time you spend pumping. Tip #2 is to just relax. You nurse better when you aren't stressed. Have a nice quiet spot, give any other kids toys to play with, walk away from the phone and enjoy the special bonding time with your kids.

This tip is hard for a lot of moms. Ask for help. All babies take a lot of time, especially when they are tiny. Many people say having twins or multiples doesn't double or triple that, but makes it 10 times harder. So, especially when you are establishing your nursing bond with your babies, get help. Let your mom or mother-in-law come over, let your friends bring you dinner, and let your husband help change diapers or bathe the baby. If you having a hard time getting started, don't get frustrated, there are resources that you can use. Hospitals often have lactation consultants, and the breastfeeding support group La Leche League has groups all over.

Along the lines of support groups, there are many support groups for parents of twins and multiples. No one is going to know exactly what you are going through except for other parents who have done it. Not only will you get support, sympathy and a friendly ear to listen, you will also be able to get suggestions for everything from time savers to baby products that work well.

This tip is to remember to take care of yourself. A lot of moms start trying to lose weight immediately. But, if you are going to nurse, you need to keep eating for 3. You can cut down on the calories some, but remember that your body still has to make the milk, and you need the calories and nutrients to do that. So, keep eating healthy and drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps you nurse better. The final tip for breastfeeding twins is, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Moms who have one infant often have a hard time with nursing. With twins, it might take a little more time. But, you can do it. Whether you choose to nurse both babies at once, or one at a time is up to you. It doesn't come down to a right way or wrong way, it comes down to the way that works for you.

Virginia Winchester is a contributor for your best source for tips and resources for raising twins and multiples. For more articles about planning for twins and multiples, visit

Article Source: Parenting Twins and Multiples - Tips for Breastfeeding Twins

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