Breastfeeding Twins Made Easy - 7 Tips From the Conscious Breastfeeding Guru

By Maire Clements 

As a result of advances in science, such as IVF (in-vitro fertilization), more twins are being born now than than at any other time in history.  Exclusively breastfeeding them can seem challenging, especially if the babies are delivered before they are full term.   A combination feeding plan is more commonly encouraged by medical personnel and those in the lactation community.   Far too many mothers give up breastfeeding, or decide not to start, because the workload of  this breastfeeding, pumping and bottle feeding regimen may work for them over the short term, but not over the long haul.

These 7 tips adapt the principles of "Conscious Breastfeeding" for the mother of twins.

Tip 1: Feed with intention.  The mother should be in charge of ensuring that her baby gets a good feeding each time it is on her breasts.  Many twin babies have spent time in hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units and are already accustomed to feeding significant amounts of their mother's milk at fairly regular intervals throughout the day.

Tip 2:  Breastfeeding should always be pain-free.  Mothers who control for a quality latch will not have sore nipples or many common issues that occur in the breasts such as engorgement , excessive leaking and areas of congestion.  If each baby is latched-on well when it feeds, the nipples do not hurt and the breasts will be well drained at each feeding.

Tip 3:  Feed the Twins Sequentially.  Breastfeeding one baby after the other will allow the mother to focus on her latch.  She can spend quality time alone with each baby as she ensures that each of them gets a quality feeding.  Ideally, she would start with the one who fed first on the last round at the next feeding.  When that baby has finished eating, she can then feed the other twin.

Tip 4:  Switch sides every 24 hours.   If each baby uses the same breast for a full day, the mother can more easily identify which twin may be having issues with their latch-on; she will then be able to intervene before problems begin to develop in the designated breast for that baby.

Tip 5:  Emphasis should be on Quality of the Feedings, not Pumping.  The babies establish the mother's milk supply.  Pumping only gets a percentage of the milk that is available when the baby feeds directly from the breast.  Breastfeeding combined with pumping and giving bottles of breast milk or formula at every feeding is a recipe for becoming overwhelmed.    The mother of twins is often left feeling exhausted and worried about her milk supply.

Tip 6:  Keep a Diary to help in Evaluating Feeding Patterns.  You cannot improve something unless you have all the facts. Patterns will become apparent when the mother keeps track of what is going on with each of her twins.

Tip 7:  Get Help.  If you are having difficulties, get assistance with your latch and optimizing your feeding patterns.  Let your family and friends feed you, help with the chores and be the entertainment committee for your babies.  Your job is the "Conscious Breastfeeding" of your twins.

Visit The Breastfeeding Salon and sign up for our free Mini Conscious Breastfeeding Course.  Check out the blog and other resources designed to help you to enjoy your breastfeeding experience.  Join the conversation and meet other mothers who have experienced this mother-led feeding style in our unique community, the Conscious Breastfeeding Space

M�ire Clements, RN, IBCLC, the "Conscious Breastfeeding Guru" has been empowering new mothers around their breastfeeding experience for more than 22 years as a lactation consultant, registered nurse and educator in the field of maternal-child health.

Article Source: Breastfeeding Twins Made Easy - 7 Tips From the Conscious Breastfeeding Guru

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