How to Use Different Breast Feeding Positions

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Breast feeding is undeniably the healthiest option for your baby. Despite all of the emotional and physical health benefits that come with breast feeding, there is no denying that it can at times be a challenge. Learning about various techniques and breast feeding positions may be all it takes for you to successfully breastfeed your baby. By learning exactly what will be expected of you as a nursing mother, you can start off on the right foot and make the breast feeding process more enjoyable for both you and your baby.


Basic Breast Feeding Positions Proper support of your baby’s head will assist with her ability to suckle. It is important that both you and your baby find a comfortable breast-feeding position that works for both of you.
  1. Use the Cradle position.
    • Hold your baby in your arms with her back lying along your inner arm.
    • Her head should be on your forearm.
    • Your baby should be facing your breast, with her mouth aligned with your nipple.
    • Pillows can be used to raise her to the appropriate nipple height.
    • Her head and bottom should be aligned with each other.
  2. Attempt the reverse cradle hold.
    • While sitting upright, place one or more pillows on your lap in order to raise the baby up to nipple height.
    • Use the cradle hold with the opposite arm. Use your hand to support your baby’s head and place a pillow under your hand for support. Your free hand will support you breast.
    • With your baby turned on her side facing you, touch her lips with your nipple. When she opens her mouth to begin sucking, pull her close to you. You breast will open the baby’s mouth further for bigger mouthfuls of milk.  
  3. Experiment with the Clutch Hold.
    • Sit upright with your back and shoulders well supported.
    • Place a pillow on your lap, towards the side of your hip.
    • Place your baby on the pillow, facing you.
    • Her mouth should be aligned with your nipple.
    • Tuck her legs and feet under your arm and bend her slightly at the waist so that her legs stretch out along your back.
    • The soles of her feet should be facing the ceiling with her leg’s pointing upwards and her bottom resting on the pillow.
    • Do not cup your baby’s head, instead, place your hand under her neck.
    • Once she begins sucking, you can place a pillow under the hand that is supporting her.
  4. Try the side-lying position.
    • Lie on your side and position several pillows around yourself. For back support, place a pillow behind your back. Use 2 pillows to support your head. Place a pillow under your top leg for comfort and place one pillow behind your baby.
    • Lay your baby on her side, facing you with her mouth aligned to your nipple. Guide your baby’s head onto your nipple until she latches on. Keep in mind that this is a position that is best used with babies who have already developed good latching skills.
  5. Try the laid back position.
    • Good posture and support is crucial to this position. Lie flat on the bed and elevate your head and shoulders slightly with pillows.
    • Place your baby face down onto your stomach with her cheek to your breast. Her lips must be close enough to your nipple to allow her to suck. Adjust your elevation by adding or removing pillows as necessary.

Know What to Do Successful breast feeding requires the proper latching on of baby’s mouth to your nipple. Although there are many different breast feeding positions that can be used, there are some basic guidelines that need to be followed for proper latching.
  1. Make sure that the baby is correctly latching on to your nipple. Many times it can be difficult to know if your child is latching on properly.
    • It is important to make sure that the baby’s mouth is covering a large portion of the nipple and not just the tip.
    • The baby’s head should be held firmly against the breast to ensure that the nipple is not pulled to the side in any way.
    • Always make sure that you gently press your breast down with one finger so that it is not covering the baby’s nose at all. If the nose is obstructed, the baby will not be able to breathe properly.
  2. Touch your nipple to the baby’s lip. If the baby turns her head away from the breast before you can make contact, gently stroke the baby’s cheek with your nipple or the tip of your finger. This will stimulate the baby’s rooting reflex, which will make her instinctively turn her head towards your beast.
  3. Insert the nipple far into the baby’s mouth as soon as she opens her mouth wide enough for you to do so.
    • Make sure that a large portion of the nipple is placed into the baby’s mouth.
    • Avoid inserting just the tip into the baby’s mouth, as this can interfere with proper latching and can result in nipple soreness or cracked nipples.
  4. Pay attention to baby’s sucking and swallowing action.
    • If you see that the baby is just holding the nipple in her mouth, you may need to stimulate her to nurse. If she continues to avoid sucking, she may be too tired to nurse at the moment and you may have to try again later.
    • If you see that she is sucking but not swallowing, she may just be using your breast as a pacifier to help ease her to sleep. If this continues, try again after a brief nap.
    • When baby sucks at the breast, you should notice a slight pulling sensation at the nipple. If you do not experience this sensation, she may not be sucking enough to stimulate milk let-down. However, it is possible that your baby will be nursing just fine and you will not feel the tugging sensation. For this reason, you will also have to pay close attention to her sucking and swallowing habits.
    • If the pulling sensation is too strong, your baby may not have enough of the nipple in her mouth. Be sure to insert more of the surface area of the nipple into the mouth to prevent improper latching

Know What to Expect Newborns generally nurse every 2 to 3 hours. A baby will typically nurse for 15 minutes on one breast before the breast begins to empty out. Every baby has different nursing needs. Depending on how hungry your baby is after emptying one breast, she may or may not want to continue nursing on the other breast.
  1. Allow your baby to set the pace. Although some parents prefer to schedule feedings, this method is generally not recommended for breastfed babies. Unlike formula-fed babies who are given a specific number of ounces of formula per feeding, there is no way to gauge exactly how many ounces of breast milk your baby is eating. For this reason, it is recommended that breastfed babies be fed on demand. Your baby will determine when she is hungry and will provide the cues to alert you.
  2. Be ready to offer the other breast to baby if it appears that she is still hungry after emptying the first breast. She will decide when she has had enough to satisfy her needs. Some babies will need encouragement to empty the first breast, others will be completely satisfied after just one breast and some babies may need to empty both breasts to feel full.
  3. Begin each feeding session with the opposite breast of the one that was used first during the last feeding.
    • Alternating breasts at each session will prevent one breast from becoming engorged with milk while allowing each breast time to replenish the milk supply.
    • The composition of the milk changes throughout the nursing session. Fore milk is the milk that is produced during the beginning of a nursing session. It is a thinner consistency and does not contain much fat. It is the first portion of the milk to trickle out of the milk ducts, leaving behind the fat cells. This milk quenches the baby’s thirst.
    • Nursing stimulates increased milk production, which causes ducts to squeeze out additional milk, along with the fat cells that were left behind. This milk is produced towards the end of the nursing session and is referred to as the hind milk. By alternating breasts at the start of every nursing session, you can ensure that your baby is receiving the benefits of both types of milk.
  4. Insert your finger into the corner of baby’s mouth to break suction when necessary. You should never pull your nipple out of baby’s mouth without first breaking suction; otherwise you may begin to experience tender nipples. In addition, the abrupt cessation of milk may cause your baby to become irritable.
Know What Not to Do Many babies are comforted by the sucking action. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests holding off on introducing a newborn baby who is nursing to a pacifier until breast feeding has been solidly established.
  1. Refrain from offering a newborn baby a pacifier as it may interfere with breast feeding. Once breast feeding has been established, a pacifier can be introduced. It is generally best to wait until the baby is 3 to 4 weeks old to prevent nipple confusion.
  2. Remain calm when baby is fussing. Breast feeding can be challenging for both you and your baby. When you are stressed, your body may not trigger the let-down response. Additionally, if you are stressed out, your baby will sense your stress and may become agitated. This can make breast feeding even more difficult and start a vicious cycle.
  3. Avoid bending over to feed your baby or you may also find yourself experiencing shoulder, neck and back discomfort as well as sore nipples. Good posture is important. Always bring baby up to your breast to prevent strain on your back. Place a pillow on your lap to support the baby and your arms while you hold her up to your breast.
Take Care of Your Nipples Proper care of your nipples is essential for successful breast feeding. In addition to always ensuring that you are holding your baby correctly and that she is latching properly, there are additional steps you can take to properly care for your nipples.
  1. Leave any leftover milk on your nipples after nursing. Allow the nipples to air-dry naturally. Refrain from wiping them off, as this can irritate the nipples and lead to discomfort. Breast milk has healing properties that are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Allowing some milk to air-dry on your nipples after each feeding can protect them from invading germs.
  2. Pat your nipples gently with a soft cloth when you do not have time to let them air-dry. Avoid using abrasive fibers; over time this can lead to nipple irritation and discomfort.
  3. Change your bras frequently. Milk often leaks out of your nipples throughout the day. Even with the use of breast pads to collect leaky milk, your bra can become wet and soiled. Breasts covered in bras that are wet with breast milk are more susceptible to infection, so it is important to wash your bras often.
  4. Keep cleansers such as shampoo and soap off of the nipples. When showering, do not use soap on your nipples. Instead, simply rinse them off with warm water.
  5. Treat dry and cracked nipples with breast-feeding ointments. There are many all-natural ointments that are designed for breast-feeding mothers and are completely safe to use during pregnancy. Many do not even have to be washed off before nursing. If you have any doubts about the safety of a particular ointment, check with your doctor or pharmacist.
Seek Assistance
  1. Ask the maternity nurses for help with proper positioning of the baby while you are still in the hospital. Maternity nurses receive some training in breast feeding and will be able to offer advice and guidance.
  2. Enlist the help of a lactation specialist who can teach you the proper way to nurse your baby. Many hospitals have lactation specialists on staff to assist nursing mothers with any breast feeding issues that may arise during the hospital stay. Before leaving the hospital, be sure to take the lactation specialist’s contact information with you so that you can call with any breast feeding questions that arise when you are at home.


  • Use caution when taking any medications. Both prescription and over the counter medications can be passed onto your baby through your breast milk. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication while breast feeding.

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