Breastfeeding Twins Tips

By Stacie Turner 

Buy  Mothering Multiples.  That is the absolute best resource on nursing twins (or more).
Get the foam EZ-2-Nurse Twins pillow.  Tandem nursing has never really worked for me, but lots of twin mothers swear it makes life easier.  Also know that if you never do tandem nurse you can still do this.
Expect that it is going to hurt at first, even if everything goes well, and stock up on Soothies and Lansinoh.
You will probably need to pump.  Don't mess around and just go rent a good, hospital grade pump.  I liked the  Medela Symphony, which was available for rental at Babies R Us.

Enlist the help of a lactation consultant BEFORE you give birth, but make sure she has experience with twins.
Don't do anything other than nurse.  Have someone else bring you the babies and take the babies away when you are done.  Have someone else change and dress the babies.  Have someone else clean the house and prepare the food and do the dishes.  Your only job should be nursing; don't underestimate how tired it will leave you at first.
Make sure that your partner is on board; someone has to do all that cleaning and cooking and non-nursing baby care.
KellyMom is a GREAT breastfeeding resource.
Set small goals.  Make it one more day; then try for 6 weeks.  At 6 weeks you may feel like you can make it to 3 months.  At 3 months you'll probably never want to stop.
Cut yourself some slack if you have to supplement.  Nursing twins doesn't have to be an all or nothing situation.  Combine nursing, pumping and formula in whatever works for you on that day.  At 1 month my babies were at about 50% breast milk; by 2 months it was up to about 70%; by 6 months it was 100%.

Stacie Turner is a stay-at-home-mother of twins.  You can read all her adventures nursing them, from despair to bliss, at her web site,

Article Source: Breastfeeding Twins Tips

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