Back Pain When Breastfeeding - 7 Ways to Get Relief

By Peter C Spathis, DC 

You're a new mom and you want to give your baby the benefits of breast milk but the back pain you get while nursing is almost unbearable; what are you do to? For starters, you can store this memory away in case, say 13 or 14 years later, you need to remind your child of the sacrifices you have made for them. However, if you are looking for something you can do now, the following 7 tips should offer some relief:

1). Relax before you start. Getting in the right frame of mind before beginning a nursing session can help tremendously. To illustrate this point, imagine the following scenario: You are at the gym, walking briskly on a treadmill. Your heart rate is up and you've got a mild sweat going. How hard would it be to get off the treadmill and immediately try to lie still for 20-45 minutes? Compare this to trying to lie still for the same amount of time after taking a warm bath at the end of the day. Would this be any easier? Of course it would - you would be relaxed when you started, your sympathetic nervous system would be calm and you might even enjoy the break from your regular activities. The same is true with breastfeeding. Before you start, shrug your shoulders up and back a few times, then gently stretch your arms forward to loosen your upper back. Now think about your nursing session as a time to relax and let your mind clear - not as a time to worry about other things you need to do! You deserve the relaxation moment, try to enjoy it.

2). Support your body. If you are breastfeeding in a chair, make sure it has armrests and adequate padding. Use pillows to support your back and arms so that your muscles can relax as much as possible during the prolonged positions. Pillows under your feet can also be helpful by positioning you in a way that allows you to bring your baby up to your breast, not the other way around.

3). Use a breastfeeding pillow. There are a variety of nursing pillows now available but this is traditionally a U shaped pillow that fits snugly around your waist and helps support your baby's weight so that your muscles don't have to do quite as much of the work. Less stress to the muscles means less muscle soreness.

4). Try different positions. There are various breastfeeding positions you can use - cradle hold, football hold, side lying, etc.. The internet is a great resource for specifics on a number of different positions and you may find some variations you hadn't thought about. By using different positions, you decrease the prolonged stress that some muscles may get if you were to use the same position all the time. Think of changing positions as a way to recruit some different muscles to "share" the work to be done. Isn't it easier to do a lot of work when you share the workload?

5). Stretch after you're done. You don't have to get out a gym mat and spend 20 minutes stretching your muscles, sometimes just a few seconds can do the trick. Simply repeat the loosening up movement you did before you started your nursing session. Again shrug your shoulders up and back - trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together while raising your shoulders at the same time. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds then gently relax your muscles and repeat the process 3-5 times. This contraction/relaxation helps flush out some of the metabolic waste that built up in your muscles during your breastfeeding session. Follow this by interlacing your thumbs together and stretching your arms forward, trying to let your shoulder blades come apart as you do this. Don't strain, just go to the point where you feel a mild stretch in your upper back. Hold this position for 5 seconds to help loosen some of the muscles that tightened up while nursing.

6). Get a massage. Why not treat yourself to a professional massage once in a while to help relax those tight muscles? In addition to relieving muscular tension, a massage can help you relax and alleviate some stress. However, an overly aggressive massage can make you sore, so be sure to tell your therapist if it has been a while since you've had a massage or if you experience any discomfort during the session.

7). Get an adjustment. We know that prolonged breastfeeding positions can cause your muscles to get tight but what about your spine? The tight muscles that you feel cross over spinal joints; these joints can become irritated from the constant pressure of the muscle tension as well as from direct stress on the spine during certain positions or movements. This can cause significant pain. A spinal manipulation (adjustment) can be helpful in relieving this discomfort. Your chiropractor can advise you on your specific requirements.

Apply the above tips for more comfortable nursing sessions with your baby. Don't worry, when they get older, if you still feel the need to someday remind them of the sacrifices you made, you don't have to tell them that it wasn't that bad.

Dr. Peter C. Spathis is a chiropractic physician providing evidence based care for a variety of spine related conditions. Contact information is provided through his office website at: or Facebook at

Article Source: Back Pain When Breastfeeding - 7 Ways to Get Relief

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