Tips for Breastfeeding: 3 Things You Can Do Today to Ensure a Great Breastfeeding Relationship

By Saraliz Schaefer

Deciding to breastfeed your baby is a wonderful decision! Watching your little one quickly gain weight and reach milestones, knowing that your body is the provider of that super nutrition, is an awesome feeling! As awesome as breastfeeding is, it can also be more work than you ever thought it could be. Believe me, I've been there! I received more advice than I ever wanted on labor and delivery, but no one offered any advice on breastfeeding. Of course, I thought it would be simple, self-explanatory. Well, to put it lightly, I hit a few bumps in the road! So, I would like to offer you a few tips for breastfeeding to help you start experiencing a great nursing relationship with your baby today!

Your nipples may be sore for the first several days. However, if you're experiencing so much pain that you're dreading feedings, then something's not right. Your baby is probably latching improperly. The next time you feed, notice how much of the nipple is in your baby's mouth. The entire nipple and some of the areola should be in your baby's mouth with his lips turned outward. To get your baby to latch properly, graze your nipple on your baby's upper lip or chin. When he opens his mouth wide, bring your baby's head to your breast. That's the textbook way to get your baby to latch properly, but my babies were stubborn and wouldn't really open their mouths wide enough. So, here's your first tip for breastfeeding. If you've tried to latch your baby properly, and he still only has the nipple in his mouth, you can open his mouth wider while he's latched on, but you must do it quickly, otherwise you'll suffer sore nipples. Place your thumb on the indention on his chin just below his bottom lip and tug downward gently until his bottom lip flares outward. Now, your entire nipple and part of your areola should be in his mouth.

Tip number two: Woo your baby to the breast. Let me give you some background. I had latch issues with my first son, so I started pumping and feeding him with a bottle. Soon, my milk supply started to diminish a little. He was a very high-need baby, and I couldn't keep up with washing the bottles and the pump parts in between feedings while all the time holding my very fussy baby. So, I knew I had to woo him back to the breast. I had to make the breast more enjoyable than the bottle. I started with skin-to-skin contact when it was close to time for him to eat, but he wasn't crying with hunger. I would undress him to his diaper and remove my shirt. I would place him on my chest, he was about four weeks old at the time, and cover him with a soft blanket. We would rock and I would stroke his head lightly and talk softly to him. We would do this every feeding session for about five or ten minutes before offering the breast. Within two days, he was back on the breast. We left the bottle behind and never looked back!

I have one other tip for breastfeeding that is also cost efficient. Instead of using disposable nursing pads, you can cut maxi pads to fit your bra! Not only are they more absorbent than nursing pads, you can make several nursing pads from one maxi pad. I have used the ultra-thin maxi pads. They do the job of preventing leak-through, but they're not so bulky that they can be seen through clothing. Just be sure you use unscented, as fragrances may be irritating to your nipples and your baby.

I hope this helps you to avoid some of those bumps in the road! Now that you know how to get your baby to latch properly and the importance of creating a loving and relaxing nursing environment, many of your breastfeeding issues will be eliminated. Just remember the most important tip for breastfeeding (and probably the most difficult): relax! Give yourself a break and enjoy this quickly-passing time with your new baby!

Are you committed to breastfeeding your baby, but it's harder than you thought it would be? Well, I've been there too. That's why I created a website for mothers with breastfeeding tips and advice [] authored by me, an experienced breastfeeding mom who has been right where you are. So, visit me at for more great tips and to read about some of my personal breastfeeding experiences [].

Article Source: Tips for Breastfeeding: 3 Things You Can Do Today to Ensure a Great Breastfeeding Relationship

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