Breaking The Breastfeeding Barrier
By [] Taneshia N Franklin
With so many myths surrounding breastfeeding, it can be easy to see why so many women shy away from it.
And although almost every doctor will tell you that breast is best when it comes to feeding and nurturing your child, some women have let the so called "breast stigmata" send them all but running for the infant formula hills, when it is time to give their baby a taste of first milk.
So just what are the true benefits that come along with breastfeeding, and how can you be sure that breastfeeding is best for you? let us investigate and see shall we.
According to The American Academy of Pediatrics breastmilk should be offered for at least the first six months of an infants life and would recommend that mothers breastfeed for the child's first twelve months if not more.
Breast milk has been found to be the best source of nutrition your baby could ever need and for numerous reasons.
Human milk contains two types of proteins specifically targeted for human consumption Whey and Casein.
Most infant formula's find it very hard to perfectly balance the two proteins equally, making it difficult for some babies to digest.
Some new mothers say they choose formula over breastmilk, because they feared their milk supply would never be enough to nourish their baby.
And although a few women have experienced a slow let down, in the beginning of their breastfeeding journey, the average lactating mother can produce up to 32 ounces of milk in a twenty-four hour setting.
I had a pregnant woman tell me, she feared breastfeeding because she heard it was extremely painful.
And while some women do experience tenderness in the breast after delivery, that can make breastfeeding quite uncomfortable, most breastfeeding pain will come from your baby latching on to you improperly.
Other new mothers are worried that, their breast will sag and never look the same if they breastfeed.
But the reality is, gravity, mother nature, and age will do way more damage to your lady humps, than breastfeeding ever will.
In fact your breast become very full, a few days after delivery and most women go up a few bra sizes. and although some breast may be left a bit less perky after breastfeeding, most women report they have experienced no major breast changes once they have weaned their babies.
What about the fear of springing a leak in a public place, who wants that attention drawn to them one expectant mother asked me during one of my surveys regarding breast versus formula.
And for her question, I point out that although it is common to leak from the breast getting to full close to your babies feeding time, the breastfeeding market offers a wide variety of comfortable, durable breast pads that will ensure your most leakiest moments will go unnoticed to the general public's eye.
And the biggest breastfeeding stigma of all, goes to the fear of embarrassment. Many new mothers simply can not phantom the idea of breastfeeding in public.
some women feel they could never breastfeed their baby in a crowded setting such as a mall, for fear of complete strangers gawking at them.
However, with the many covers and shields on the market today breastfeeding in public places, has never been more discreet.
With a healthy approach, a positive attitude. and plenty of loving patience breastfeeding can not only be a great source of nutrition for your baby, but also become a way for you to snuggle close to your child and bond as nature intended.
I am a successful exclusive breastfeeding parent of, a very happy and healthy 2 year old, and although I have introduced a solid diet into her world, she still breastfeeds and is self weaning.
I can be seen, spilling my knowledge of all things domestic at
Article Source: [] Breaking The Breastfeeding Barrier
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